Get a BeachReady Body in Just 10 Minutes with This Easy Ab Workout

10 Min Ab Workout

Summer is quickly approaching, and as beaches start opening up just in time for Memorial Day, everyone is asking how to get fit for the summer and get that beach body ready. As a coach and trainer to athletes, bodybuilders, and all divisions of the physique sport, it’s my job to make sure my clients are in great shape for shows, games, and photo shoots. But the real goal is to ensure they’re fit and healthy all year around.

I do my best to instill discipline and a sustainable wellness regimen for all those I work with so they continue to eat clean and do their cardio in the off season. Successful bodybuilders should remain no more than eight to 15 pounds from “optimal” condition no matter what time of year it is.


However, not everyone can be as dedicated as my clients 365 days per year. Most trainees prefer to bulk up more during the winter months and then begin to trim the fat around the start of spring, hoping to be in top shape when bathing suit season hits. If that’s more your style, you’re in the right place.

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The following is some of my favorite tips and tricks that will assist you in dropping your body fat quickly and efficiently just in time for summer. Follow these easy tips for a killer beach body.

About 10 grams of protein. This will help the body better use fat for fuel, increase the thermic effect of food, maintain muscle, and assist in shedding excess water.

While research is conflicting as to whether cardio is more effective done in the fasted state, I firmly believe this is the very best time to burn fat. I have seen it work on the hundreds of clients I have prepared for competition, and on myself as well.

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Every morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is take a thermogenic fat burner, or at least 200 mg caffeine, and drink down about 10 grams of BCAAs.

Doing this before fasted cardio will not only increase the fat melting effect by raising the metabolism, but will also help keep muscle mass intact and give you the energy to power through your workout.

When the main goal is dropping body fat it’s a great idea to make your weight training sessions more intense via the use of supersets and dropsets.

Are You Beach Body Ready, Or Do You Lack A Body Entirely?

These techniques are not only terrific for stimulating muscle growth, but also will raise your heart rate, increase your metabolism, burn greater calories, and push natural growth hormone through the roof.

If your goal is 60 minutes of cardio for the day, for example, you will have better results splitting that time between two or even three sessions than doing it all at once. You may wake up and do 30 minutes of cardio fasted, another 15 minutes post workout, and the final 15 before your final meal.

You will burn a heck of a lot more calories, as well as stimulate greater levels of natural hormones that destroy body fat, if you focus your workouts around compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bent rows, bench presses, and pullups than machines or isolation movements.


Summer Body Workout Plan: 19 Quick Exercise Routines To Get Fit

In the morning, our cortisol levels are at their highest point (aside from right after training). Research shows that while cortisol breaks down muscle tissue, it is even

The longer you keep carbs out of your system the more profound the effect of cortisol will be, and it will make fasted cardio an even more powerful tool.

Some studies indicate that HIIT cardio is more effective at burning adipose than steady state, while others show the opposite. The truth is, both types of cardio work and thus both should be a part of your program.

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What I find greatly effective is breaking my cardio up, as suggested earlier, into a 30/15/15 scheme (if the goal is one hour daily) with the first session being steady state and the next two shorter ones HIIT.

While the notion of keeping your home a bit chilly is uncomfortable for some, this is actually an effective way to stimulate BAT, or brown adipose thermogenesis. Of course, using this practice is not going to melt away pounds of fat a day, but is just another way to take advantage of how the body works.


Lets face it, being in a calorie deficit, which is necessary for getting lean, is not always a walk in the park. There are times where your blood sugar will drop, your tummy will cave in, and you will be tempted to eat a giant bag of M&M’s for relief. However, the result in that case is certainly not very beneficial when the goal is six-pack abs in a short time.

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I have found the best way to kill off hunger and bring energy back to normal is to consume a huge glass of cold water with five to 10 grams of powdered BCAAs mixed in. Many companies put out flavors that taste almost like Kool-Aid so this is actually an enjoyable treat.This article was co-authored by Alyssa Chang and by staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Alyssa Chang is a nutrition coach and trainer, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She uses her extensive background in brain-based neuroscience to work with clients on improving their connections with their brain and body to heal, reach goals, and move pain-free. She holds a BS in Kinesiology and Exercise, Nutrition and Wellness from the California State University, East Bay and is certified in Precision Nutrition, Z-health Performance and is certified by the National Council for Strength and Fitness.

Marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status.

Ready to hit the beach and soak in some rays? There are plenty of ways you can look and feel your best while kicking back in the summer sun. If you’d like to get ready for your next trip to the pool or shore, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get a little closer to the bikini body of your dreams, one day at a time. Just remember: any body in a bikini is a bikini body—what matters is that you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin!

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This article was co-authored by Alyssa Chang and by staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Alyssa Chang is a nutrition coach and trainer, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She uses her extensive background in brain-based neuroscience to work with clients on improving their connections with their brain and body to heal, reach goals, and move pain-free. She holds a BS in Kinesiology and Exercise, Nutrition and Wellness from the California State University, East Bay and is certified in Precision Nutrition, Z-health Performance and is certified by the National Council for Strength and Fitness. This article has been viewed 111, 973 times.


If you want to feel more confident in a bikini, focus on eating a healthier diet and exercising regularly. Try to cut down on processed food and simple sugars, like potato chips, candy, cookies, and soda, so you're not eating a lot of high-calorie foods that aren't very nutritious. Aim to get most of your calories from healthy carbs and proteins, which will fill you up more easily and limit your fat intake. For example, eat plenty of chicken, fish, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and brown rice. In addition to diet, aim to get 15-20 minutes of exercise a day on average. Focus on exercises that target your abs, arms, and legs, such as push-ups, crunches, and squats. If you get bored easily, find an exercise buddy or join a sports team to keep you engaged. For more tips, including how to do interval training to burn calories and fat quickly, read on!To get your body beach-ready you don’t need to hit the gym, you don’t even need equipment. I’m going to show you a number of fast, effective exercises that will help you get in shape for the beach. The best part is that you won’t need anything except your own body weight, and 28 minutes a day!

For most Australian’s summer wouldn’t be complete without enjoying the sunshine poolside or at the beach so naturally we want to be feeling and looking our best. The good news is that you can do this without depriving yourself, simply by eating healthy, nutritionally balanced meals and moving your body every day. So, with that said, let’s go through my quick tips for getting beach ready this summer.

How To Get Shredded In A Week With These 7 Tactics

I get it, summer is finally here, and the time to accelerate your results is NOW. If you’ve left your run a bit late in the season, you might be tempted to throw yourself into an extreme diets or heavy workout plan, but you don’t need to do it that way.

As hundreds of thousands of my 28ers have heard me say, the best way to achieve real weight loss (and feeling great while you’re doing it), is to avoid extreme diets or

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