Aussie Education Revolutionised How the Australian Education Research Organisation is Transforming Education

Australian Education Research Organisation

(preschool) and primary education (primary schools), followed by secondary education (high schools), and finally tertiary education, which includes higher education (universities and other higher education providers) and vocational education (Registered Training Organisations).

For primary and secondary education, governmt schools educate approximately 60 per ct of Australian studts, with approximately 40 per ct in non-governmt schools.


At the tertiary level, the majority of Australia's universities are public, and studt fees are subsidised through a studt loan program where paymt becomes due wh debtors reach a certain income level.

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Underpinned by the Australian Qualifications Framework, implemted in 1995, Australia has adopted a national system of qualifications, compassing higher education, vocational education and training (VET), and school-based education.

Australia is a leading global provider of education to international studts, and in 2012 was ranked as the third-largest provider of international education after the United States and the United Kingdom.

Australia has the highest ratio of international studts per head of population in the world by a large margin, with 812, 000 international studts rolled in the nation's universities and vocational institutions in 2019.

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The Education Index, published with the UN's Human Developmt Index in 2018, based on data from 2017, listed Australia as 0.929, the second-highest in the world.

In 1966 the Australian Governmt signed the Convtion against Discrimination in Education, which aimed to combat discrimination and racial segregation in the field of education.

Post-compulsory education is regulated within the Australian Qualifications Framework, a unified system of national qualifications in schools, vocational education and training, and the tertiary education sector.

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The academic year in Australia varies betwe States and institutions; however, it gerally runs from late January/early February until early/mid-December for primary and secondary schools, with slight variations in the inter-term holidays

While still not mandatory for childr to attd, the Federal Governmt has had a focus since 2009 on couraging families to rol their childr (from around 4 years of age) in a preschool or kindergart that delivers quality early childhood education and care

Federal and state legislation now requires preschool services to implemt and deliver programming based on the nationally approved Early Years Learning Framework

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This sort of activity is not gerally considered schooling, as preschool education is separate from primary school in all states and territories, except Western Australia where pre-school education is taught as part of the primary school system

And Victoria where the state framework, the Victorian Early Years Learning and Developmt Framework (VEYLDF) covers childr from birth to 8 years old, is used by some schools over the national framework.

In Quesland, preschool programmes are oft called Kindergart or Pre-Prep and are usually privately run but attract state governmt funding if run for at least 600 hours a year and delivered by a registered teacher.

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Preschools are usually run by the state and territory governmts, except in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales where they are more oft run by local councils, community groups or private organisations.

Preschool is offered to three- to five-year-olds; attdance numbers vary widely betwe the states, but 85.7% of childr attded preschool the year before school.

The year before a child is due to attd primary school is the main year for preschool education. This year is far more commonly attded and may take the form of a few hours of activity during weekdays.

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Most states of Australia now fund governmt preschools to offer 15 hours per week (600 hours over a year) for each rolled child in the year before they commce formal schooling

People attding a primary school as a perctage of the local population at the 2011 csus, geographically subdivided by statistical local area


Non-governmt schools, both religious or secular typically charge compulsory tuition and other fees. Governmt schools provide education without compulsory tuition fees, although many governmt schools ask for paymt of 'voluntary' fees to defray particular expses.

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Regardless of whether a school is governmt or non-governmt, it is regulated by the same curriculum standards framework. The framework is administered by the Australian Curriculum, Assessmt and Reporting Authority.

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The first formal education in Australia began wh the European convicts and settlers began to build the first public infrastructure, in the 19th ctury. The first schools were either built by ex-convicts or members of the Church.

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Beginning in approximately 1905, many childr of the Stol Gerations were educated like white childr, with the aim of effectively assimilating them into the white community. This was made illegal in 1969.

School education in Australia is compulsory betwe certain ages as specified by state or territory legislation. Depding on the state or territory, and date of birth of the child, school is compulsory from the age of five to six to the age of fifte to sevte.

Childr are legally required to attd school from the age of six years old, until the minimum leaving age. In Tasmania, the compulsory school starting age is 5 years old.

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However, most childr commce the preliminary year of formal schooling, in Pre-Year 1, betwe four and a half and five and a half years of age,

, the national appart rettion rate (ARR), a measure of studt gagemt that provides an indicator of the success of education systems in keeping studts in school beyond the minimum leaving age, was 78 per ct for all full-time studts in Year 12.


While state and territory governmts are responsible for the regulation and delivery of school-based education within their jurisdiction, through the Council of Australian Governmts, the Commonwealth Governmt has, since 2014, played an increasing role in the establishmt of the Australian Curriculum that sets the expectations for what all young Australians should be taught, regardless of where they live in Australia or their background. The developmt of the Australian Curriculum is based on the principles of improving the quality, equity and transparcy of Australia's education system.

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The Australian Curriculum, for pre-Year 1 to Year 10, is made up of the following eight learning areas: glish; Mathematics; Scice; Humanities and Social Scices; The Arts; Technologies; Health and Physical Education as well as Languages.

In the sior secondary Australian Curriculum, for Year 11 and Year 12, fifte sior secondary subjects across glish, Mathematics, Scice, History and Geography were dorsed betwe 2012 and 2013. The Australian Curriculum, Assessmt and Reporting Authority has mandated the achievemt standards that describe the quality of learning (including the depth of understanding, the extt of knowledge, and the sophistication of skill) expected of studts who have studied the contt for each subject.

The types of schools in Australia fall broadly into two categories: governmt schools, being those schools operated by state or territory departmts or agcies; and non-governmt schools, being those schools that are not operated by governmt departmts or agcies.

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Non-governmt schools can be further classified, based on self-idtification of the school's affiliation. Non-governmt schools are grouped for reporting as Catholic schools (including Catholic-affiliated indepdt schools)

Governmt schools receive funding from the relevant state or territory governmt. Non-governmt schools receive funding from the Australian Governmt and relevant state or territory governmt;

Across primary and secondary education, approximately two-thirds of all school studts attded governmt schools; with the remaining one-third of studts educated in non-governmt schools.

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That gerally covers a child's education from pre-Year 1) and finish with Year 6. The duration of primary school years varies across each Australian state and territory, with most adopting sev years; except in South Australia, where, until 2022,

Until they are 11, 12 or 13 years of age. Primary schools focus on developing esstial literacy, numeracy and social skills, and provide foundational knowledge to childr about the world around them.


And colleges (or junior, intermediate, or sior colleges). Secondary schools vary across each Australian state and territory, but they gerally cover Year 7 to Year 10 (compulsory period of education) and sior secondary schools continue to Year 12.

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As an alternative to the middle school model, some secondary schools divided their grades into junior high school (Years 7, 8, 9 and 10) and sior high school (Years 11 and 12). Some have three levels, junior (Years 7 and 8), intermediate (Years 9 and 10), and sior (Years 11 and 12).

In June 2006 the Northern Territory Governmt introduced a three-tier system featuring middle schools for Year 7 to Year 9 (approximate age 12–15) and high school for Year 10 to Year 12 (approximate age 15–18).

These schools may be located in an urban, regional or rural area and can be governmt or non-governmt schools. As of 2019

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Ctral schools are predominantly, but not exclusively, governmt schools located in a rural area that provides both primary and lower secondary education to studts, usually concluding at Year 10. As of 2019

Schools are broadly categorised into governmt and non-governmt schools. The non-governmt schools are further categorised into Catholic schools and indepdt schools. As of 2018

If a studt elects to attd a governmt school, they are required to attd a school within their local school district unless the studt has dispsation to attd another school, usually approved based on academic merit, specialisation, or other reasons, such as a studt disability.

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