How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality with Go Fund Yourself The Secret to Making Your Wildest Goals Come True

Go Fund Yourself

Making the decision to chase your dreams can be a frightening one. Making large changes to your life and how you live it is never easy, but by breaking the path to your dreams down into manageable goals, you can make the transition a much easier one. Achieving your dreams is possible, you just need a good plan.

It may be difficult to lock down exactly what your dreams are, but you will need to be able to set them in stone in order to devise a plan that helps you achieve them. Sit down with a pen and paper and make a list of what you want out of life. Then use that list to create a singular mission statement.


Now that you have identified your overarching goal, you need to determine what skills you have that can help you accomplish it, what sacrifices you are willing to make, and how much you may need to risk.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Quote: “if You Want To Turn A Vision Into Reality, You Have To Give

You probably face challenges in your life that can directly affect your ability to pursue your dreams. Assess those challenges and consider what sacrifices you are willing to make to overcome them.

This step will provide you with the basic framework of your plan moving forward. Start by establishing a few broad goals, then identify a few smaller goals within each one. Some examples could be:

Now that you have identified your goals and the obstacles you face, it’s time to establish your plan to chase your dreams. Create a step by step list of what you need to accomplish in order to put yourself in position to achieve your dreams.

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With each task that you complete, you are one step closer to accomplishing your goals and living your dreams. Some steps may take much longer than others, and you may be able to complete more than one at once. Use the checklist to keep you task oriented and on track.

It can be easy to remain in the planning stages for a long time. Eventually though, there will come a time when you need to start taking action and making your plan into a reality. Don’t allow yourself to fall into simply talking about your dreams, you must go after them.

One of the biggest challenges facing a person that chooses to pursue their dreams is the fear of the unknown. You can’t know if you will be successful in your pursuits, nor can you know what your standard of living will ultimately be like if you begin making sacrifices on the road to your dreams, but you can’t get to where you’re going without leaving where you are behind.

Make Your Own Dreams Into Reality

You may know people that are already working in the industry you hope to pursue, or maybe you have friends already living where you dream to move. These people can be valuable resources as you begin to take steps toward reaching your dreams.

As you begin working toward achieving your dreams, you may find yourself losing your motivation in the drudgery of the day to day efforts. It’s important that you remember what you’re working for and what you’re working toward to remain productive.

When you receive help from someone in accomplishing your goals, make sure they know how much you appreciate their effort and assistance. People are more likely to help you again if you demonstrate your appreciation and you may find that showing gratitude leaves you feeling better about yourself as well.

Manifestation Technique: Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

You may find that some aspects of your plan need to be changed along the way. Maybe you’ll gain new information or need adjust the scope of your dream slightly as you come to have a better understanding of what it will entail. Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals as you pursue them to keep them attainable, realistic, and beneficial to your overall cause.

Don’t forget to live your life while pursuing your dreams. If you devote all of your time and energy to a singular cause, you may burn out and lose your momentum. Instead allow yourself to enjoy being with friends and family from time to time and try to devote yourself to a line of work you find satisfaction in.I’m sure we have all felt this way at some point in our lives – especially where studies are concerned. At times, the work may become very difficult and overwhelming, and on top of that, many of us have other full-time responsibilities to deal with.


We are only human, and it is natural to want to give up when things get too tough. What we don’t always realise, however, is that when we feel this way, we are actually

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Discipline plays a big part in becoming successful. It is not always easy to give up things that you like in order to make time for work and studies – but you definitely won’t regret it in the long run!

Vanessa Scott, who studied Child Care Courses through College SA, shares her story with us. She tells us how she had to give up certain things that she enjoyed doing in order to make time for her studies. She made these sacrifices because, she says,

“I established an organisation and run a programme for children with learning disabilities. It is run from a school in an impoverished area in the community, but being with these children and knowing that I play a small role in the outcome of their futures is reward enough. Knowledge is power, and I want these kids to have that gift of choice.”

Do You Have A Dream To Share? Share Your Story And Turn Dreams Into Reality

Vanessa wants to study even further, but she cannot afford to at the moment, as most of her money goes into the children’s programme. However, Vanessa maintains a positive attitude:

I will not give up though. I am saving, and even though I will probably only start next year, I will persevere! Thank you, College SA for the role you’ve played in my dreams becoming a reality. The journey was rewarding and I learned that one is never too old to study. The service was excellent and the tutors are pleasant and patient. The experience has inspired me to study, study, and study some more! Nothing is impossible.”


We really admire Vanessa’s optimism and determination, and hope that each one of you reading this will be inspired by her story.

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Are you currently studying with us? Do you have an interesting or inspiring story to tell about your studies? You can leave us a comment below and we will happily share it with the rest of our students!Carole Fossey (LION) Founder at Socially Sorted - Software - the best thing since Hootsuite! 💥 Helping businesses to grow through the strategic use of Social Media. Coaching and Social Media Training for Coaches, Trainers, Speakers.

When you were young did anyone ever tell you that you were a dreamer?And if they did – did they say it in a way which made you think that was a good or a bad thing?

I’ll bet it was the latter.It’s such a shame isn’t it – we seem to crush our children’s dreams without meaning to.You see, I wanted to be a singer.I loved to sing.I played the piano and the guitar too, and the recorder when I was a nipper.But singing – that’s what I really wanted to do.

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And I was pretty good.I mean, I wasn’t Ariana Grande good (oh my God that range!), but I could have been Barbra Streisand good.And I did end up leading the choir in my 6thform at school, and being in musicals at Uni.

The problem was – when I was a kid, being a singer wasn’t something that normal people did.Maybe it still isn’t but in these days of reality TV, and Britain’s Got Talent, you can actually believe that it could be YOU.


In my childhood, whilst I dreamt of it, it was made absolutely clear to me that ‘people like us’ didn’t do stuff like that.It was ‘nice’ that I had a talent, but that wasn’t going to pay the bills and so I needed to ‘be realistic’ and focus on getting a ‘real’ job.

Turn Your Dream Into Reality Lettering Poster. Mountains, Pine Trees And Birds Royalty Free Svg, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 122792871

I don’t blame my parents (I used to, but I don’t now).They were doing their best – and what did they know about supporting a child to do something unusual?There was no internet – you couldn’t ‘google’ how to become a singer.

At some stage though, we all grow up (well most of us do), and we have to take responsibility for making our own dreams come true.It takes a bit of a shift – when you have been brought up to believe that ‘dreams’ are beyond you.That they are for other people.

So, I went back to singing lessons in my 30’s and I sang at a few venues.And I loved it.But I didn’t love it enough to pursue it as a career any more.I had different priorities – young children – a fledgling business.

Turning Dreams Into Reality Begins With A Goal

And as I grew my businesses, I thought that was my dream.Until my coach asked me a really profound question.He asked me ‘Why?’.Why did I want to grow my business?And I couldn’t answer him.I realised eventually, I was doing it

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