Robert Baratheon The Tragic Story of a Kings Descent into Madness

Robert Baratheon

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No Spoilers] Robert Baratheon Striking Rhaegar Targaryen With His Hammer.

Having sex with noble girls, servants and commoners (among them Delena Florent and, rumored, some of his female cousins of his mother's family).

Abdicate the throne as soon as Joffrey comes of age and becomes a better person and join a sellsword company in Essos (failed, never did it due to his fear of Cersei and Joffrey ruling).

The gods be damned. It was a hollow victory they gave me. A crown ... it was the girl I prayed them for. Your sister, safe ... and mine again, as she was meant to be. I ask you, Ned, what good is it to wear a crown? The gods mock the prayers of kings and cowherds alike.

Robert I Baratheon

King Robert I Baratheon is a major character in the A Song of Ice and Fire novels and its TV series adaptation Game of Thrones. He was the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and head of House Baratheon at the beginning of A Game of Thrones.

He was the firstborn son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont. He has two younger brothers: Lord Stannis and Lord Renly, both of them being lords and not princes due to their father not being a king. He is married to Queen Cersei Lannister who has three children: Joffrey Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, and Tommen Baratheon.


As a teenager Robert was a tall young handsome storm lord and successful knight who was known for his talent for being the best at any kind of physical and social activity and he could easily bring any girl in his bed without much effort. Even after becoming a fat and drunken loud-mouth he hasn't lost this ability, as he was able to infatuate a 15 year old whore. He is a notoriously fierce and powerful inspiring warrior who's lust is subject of famous songs throughout the Seven Kingdoms. He's known for his ability to turn foes into friends in a single day and was one of the strongest warriors in the world. During his whole life he only lost a single battle against Randyll Tarly, the Lord of Horn Hill, who took command of the vanguard of House Tyrell during Robert's Rebellion.

Was Robert Baratheon A Good King?

After he ascended the throne, he became less popular, especially among the smallfolk. Despite this, his young self was always remembered positively and when they talk about how much of a bad ruler he is, it's more with sadness rather than anger, especially from his friends. Any risk of rebellion was avoided thanks to the hard work of the lords Jon Arryn and Stannis Baratheon. Arryn kept peace in the realm for 14 years, being able to maintain the kingdoms united, avoiding chaos from Dorne, and keeping the people well fed. Stannis helped Jon and also bent the Targaryen loyalists living in the valyrian islands, punished criminals, dealt with the king's justice and executed or imprisoned any law breaker, he led the royal in many places in the sea and destroyed pirates and smugglers. Still, Robert did as he wanted and beggared the realm to the point that the royal treasury remained empty and the realm came in debt with the Iron Bank of Braavos, the Faith, Tywin Lannister, and Mace Tyrell.

Robert's best friend is Eddard Stark. The king has also many friends in court, including his foster father Jon Arryn, Renly Baratheon, Tyrion Lannister, Thoros of Myr, Lysa Arryn, and Loras Tyrell. However, Robert let too many Lannister men-at-arms in his city, while letting most of  his main allies, the stormlanders and the Reachmen, in their homes. The Baratheon force grows smaller when, at some point his brother Stannis abandons the capital and brings the royal fleet and his household with him at Dragonstone and closed the island's port, leaving only a few ships in King's Landing. Also Lysa flees with the Arryn household to the Eyrie, due to an argument with Robert about the fostering of Jon Arryn's son, Robert Robin Arryn.


None of the Baratheon royal children are actually Robert's and he and Cersei often commited mutal infidelities. Robert's fathered numerous bastards in the Seven Kingdoms. Known bastards among them are Mya Stone, Bella, Gendry, Edric Storm, Barra, and two unnamed dead twins. During the second novel and the second season the Baratheon bastards living in King's Landing, except Gendry, are lynched and killed by the City Watch of the capital on the orders of the Queen Regent out of her personal deep hatred for her husband and because they could have been a danger to her children's claims for the Iron Throne. In the TV series version the order comes from Joffrey, likely to avoid any possible contender for the Iron Throne, like the Blackfyres did against the Targaryens in the past. However, Robert had sex with various women outside the capital, both before his ascension and then during his travels in the castles and towns of the south. It's impossible to tell how many bastards could be still alive in Westeros, beside Mya, Bella, and Edric. 

Long Live The King!

Robert has a deep hatred for his cousins of House Targaryen, and has a tendence of closing his eyes to the things he doesn't want to see, especially the morally ambiguous choices; for example he gave a smile of relief upon seeing the dead bodies of the children Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys because he knew he didn't have to deal with them thanks to the Lannisters doing the dirty work for him, thus avoiding to turn into a child murderer. Instead of dealing with the other royal children and the Targaryen queen at Dragonstone, Robert had his brother Stannis to deal with them making him a villainous individual. When he beat his wife, Robert would rather lie and tell that he didn't remember any abuse due to the drunkenness instead of admitting his guilt and apologize.

Years before the series began, Robert was the Lord of the Storm's End and betrothed to Lyanna Stark, the only daughter of Lord Rickard Stark. After Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna disappeared together, Brandon Stark was executed by Robert's cousin King Aerys II Targaryen, along with his father Rickard and most of their parties. Aerys's demands cause Lord Jon Arryn to raise in rebellion against King Aerys, and later Robert becomes the main leader of the rebellion. He succeeded in killing his cousin Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident and took the Iron Throne after the death of King Aerys at the hands of Ser Jaime Lannister, ending Aerys's reign and becoming the new Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. After Prince Aegon's death, Dorne and the Targaryen loyalists at Dragonstone declared Viserys Targaryen the new Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, until Robert sent his younger brother, Lord Stannis, to root down the remaining Targaryens and take Dragonstone. Queen Rhaella Targaryen dies giving birth to Princess Daenerys and Ser Willem Darry smuggles the two remaining loyal children away from Westeros before Stannis can deal with them.


Robert loves making war and enjoys destroying defying lords, as he did in the Greyjoy Rebellion, where he defeated King Balon Greyjoy and the ironborn. He personally led the attacks during the Siege of Pyke and forced Balon to bend the knee after his defeat, pardoning him for his treason and having Eddard take Balon's last surviving son, Theon, as an hostage for Balon's good behavior.

Who Has The Rightful Claim To The Iron Throne After The 'game Of Thrones' Finale?

His hatred for the Targaryens over Rhaegar taking Lyanna resulted in him being paranoid that one day the Dothraki with Daenerys and Viserys might cross the Narrow Sea and take back the Iron Throne, which caused an alienation between Eddard Stark, and himself. Not being able to stand the murder of children, Eddard tried to persuade Robert to let it go in many ways such as reminding him that the Dothraki fear the sea and know nothing about sailing or naming Stannis Warden of the East and let him destroy the Targaryen ships with his larger fleet, but Robert ignored all of this. Instead he plots to assassinate Daenerys and her stillborn child, along with Viserys, and later follows through on this by sending a wine-seller to poison her. Though he and Eddard do reconcile shortly after, Robert continues to unyield over her death. 

After dismissing most of his hunting party, Robert is gravely wounded while hunting in the Kingswood with only Lancel Lannister, Renly Baratheon, and Ser Barristan Selmy, where he was mauled by a boar. He dies a few days later in King's Landing,


After he ascended the throne, he became less popular, especially among the smallfolk. Despite this, his young self was always remembered positively and when they talk about how much of a bad ruler he is, it's more with sadness rather than anger, especially from his friends. Any risk of rebellion was avoided thanks to the hard work of the lords Jon Arryn and Stannis Baratheon. Arryn kept peace in the realm for 14 years, being able to maintain the kingdoms united, avoiding chaos from Dorne, and keeping the people well fed. Stannis helped Jon and also bent the Targaryen loyalists living in the valyrian islands, punished criminals, dealt with the king's justice and executed or imprisoned any law breaker, he led the royal in many places in the sea and destroyed pirates and smugglers. Still, Robert did as he wanted and beggared the realm to the point that the royal treasury remained empty and the realm came in debt with the Iron Bank of Braavos, the Faith, Tywin Lannister, and Mace Tyrell.

Robert's best friend is Eddard Stark. The king has also many friends in court, including his foster father Jon Arryn, Renly Baratheon, Tyrion Lannister, Thoros of Myr, Lysa Arryn, and Loras Tyrell. However, Robert let too many Lannister men-at-arms in his city, while letting most of  his main allies, the stormlanders and the Reachmen, in their homes. The Baratheon force grows smaller when, at some point his brother Stannis abandons the capital and brings the royal fleet and his household with him at Dragonstone and closed the island's port, leaving only a few ships in King's Landing. Also Lysa flees with the Arryn household to the Eyrie, due to an argument with Robert about the fostering of Jon Arryn's son, Robert Robin Arryn.


None of the Baratheon royal children are actually Robert's and he and Cersei often commited mutal infidelities. Robert's fathered numerous bastards in the Seven Kingdoms. Known bastards among them are Mya Stone, Bella, Gendry, Edric Storm, Barra, and two unnamed dead twins. During the second novel and the second season the Baratheon bastards living in King's Landing, except Gendry, are lynched and killed by the City Watch of the capital on the orders of the Queen Regent out of her personal deep hatred for her husband and because they could have been a danger to her children's claims for the Iron Throne. In the TV series version the order comes from Joffrey, likely to avoid any possible contender for the Iron Throne, like the Blackfyres did against the Targaryens in the past. However, Robert had sex with various women outside the capital, both before his ascension and then during his travels in the castles and towns of the south. It's impossible to tell how many bastards could be still alive in Westeros, beside Mya, Bella, and Edric. 

Long Live The King!

Robert has a deep hatred for his cousins of House Targaryen, and has a tendence of closing his eyes to the things he doesn't want to see, especially the morally ambiguous choices; for example he gave a smile of relief upon seeing the dead bodies of the children Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys because he knew he didn't have to deal with them thanks to the Lannisters doing the dirty work for him, thus avoiding to turn into a child murderer. Instead of dealing with the other royal children and the Targaryen queen at Dragonstone, Robert had his brother Stannis to deal with them making him a villainous individual. When he beat his wife, Robert would rather lie and tell that he didn't remember any abuse due to the drunkenness instead of admitting his guilt and apologize.

Years before the series began, Robert was the Lord of the Storm's End and betrothed to Lyanna Stark, the only daughter of Lord Rickard Stark. After Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna disappeared together, Brandon Stark was executed by Robert's cousin King Aerys II Targaryen, along with his father Rickard and most of their parties. Aerys's demands cause Lord Jon Arryn to raise in rebellion against King Aerys, and later Robert becomes the main leader of the rebellion. He succeeded in killing his cousin Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident and took the Iron Throne after the death of King Aerys at the hands of Ser Jaime Lannister, ending Aerys's reign and becoming the new Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. After Prince Aegon's death, Dorne and the Targaryen loyalists at Dragonstone declared Viserys Targaryen the new Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, until Robert sent his younger brother, Lord Stannis, to root down the remaining Targaryens and take Dragonstone. Queen Rhaella Targaryen dies giving birth to Princess Daenerys and Ser Willem Darry smuggles the two remaining loyal children away from Westeros before Stannis can deal with them.


Robert loves making war and enjoys destroying defying lords, as he did in the Greyjoy Rebellion, where he defeated King Balon Greyjoy and the ironborn. He personally led the attacks during the Siege of Pyke and forced Balon to bend the knee after his defeat, pardoning him for his treason and having Eddard take Balon's last surviving son, Theon, as an hostage for Balon's good behavior.

Who Has The Rightful Claim To The Iron Throne After The 'game Of Thrones' Finale?

His hatred for the Targaryens over Rhaegar taking Lyanna resulted in him being paranoid that one day the Dothraki with Daenerys and Viserys might cross the Narrow Sea and take back the Iron Throne, which caused an alienation between Eddard Stark, and himself. Not being able to stand the murder of children, Eddard tried to persuade Robert to let it go in many ways such as reminding him that the Dothraki fear the sea and know nothing about sailing or naming Stannis Warden of the East and let him destroy the Targaryen ships with his larger fleet, but Robert ignored all of this. Instead he plots to assassinate Daenerys and her stillborn child, along with Viserys, and later follows through on this by sending a wine-seller to poison her. Though he and Eddard do reconcile shortly after, Robert continues to unyield over her death. 

After dismissing most of his hunting party, Robert is gravely wounded while hunting in the Kingswood with only Lancel Lannister, Renly Baratheon, and Ser Barristan Selmy, where he was mauled by a boar. He dies a few days later in King's Landing,


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